How to grow Longer Eyelashes and Fuller Eyebrows naturally !!

Thin eyebrows are Yesterday; thicker eyebrows are the talk of the day. Eyebrows are one of the most noticeable parts of one’s face. Everyone wants fuller eyebrows and long lashes to look attractive. Salon or parlour offers great deals but here are few simple home remedies to grow your lashes and brows naturally.

Home Remedies:

Castor Oil: This oil is packed with proteins, fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins, it helps in nourishing your hair follicles. Regular use of castor oil on lashes and eyebrows roots promotes hair growth and makes each hair strand is thick and strong. Black castor oil is more effective for growing hair naturally.Remember to perform a patch test before using it.

Coconut Oil: The fatty acids found in coconut oil prevent hair fall and breakage. It works as a conditioner and moisturizer and also improves blood circulation. Apply coconut oil with cotton or finger and massage for a while, wipe off the extra oil.

Olive Oil contains vitamins A and E, which help double-length and thickness over time. It nourishes each hair strand and stimulates the production of our body’s natural oil (sebum). Apply olive oil at least once a day to see the results in a matter of weeks.

Lavender oil, Almond Oil, Jojoba oil and Tea tree oil (diluted) purportedly stimulates eyebrow thickness and lashes growth in addition to natural moisturizer.

Onion Juice: This is a very old remedy for hair growth and strengthening. Sulfur present in onion improves the production of collagen tissues required for hair growth. Avoid applying onion juice to eye lashes as it can lead to irritation in eyes. Also apply & massage this juice on your eye brows at night due to its pungent smell and use lemon to get rid of the smell.

Egg Yolk is rich in Keratin protein and Biotin which are great supplements for hair growth. For a faster growth rate use this treatment twice a week. Beat the yolk till it turns smooth and apply using a Q-tip or a brush. Use sparingly as egg yolk may clog pores and lead to acne.

Fenugreek Seeds: make hair look healthy and Lustrous. These seeds help in rebuilding hair follicles thus causing fresh hair growth; they contain nicotinic acid as well as proteins that stimulate hair growth. This pack should be used twice a week for effective results.

Petroleum jelly Helps to retain the moisture and leave your eyebrows and lashes soft and shiny. It acts as conditioner and enhances hair health.

Aloe Vera is known to promote & rejuvenate hair growth. It promotes elasticity and prevents breakage. This gel removes excess oil and opens up follicular pores, thus encouraging hair growth.

Lemons are rich in vitamins and folic acid, which help grow hair faster. Lemons remove the excess oil and fight other hair problems. Your skin can burn a little on lemon application, but if this continues wash it off immediately and skip this remedy.
Rub a slice of lemon onto your eyebrows. Allow it to be there for 15 minutes and then wash off with warm water.

Milk has lots of goodness, that is why this has been used in different skincare products. Milk trigger and stimulate healthy hair growth.
Soak the cotton ball in the milk and massage your eyebrows. Keep it on for 15 minutes and wash with water.

Consume Biotin: Biotin helps in hair growth. Eat eggs, avocados, salmon, mushroom, meat, sweet potatoes and peanuts for a natural treatment of hair loss.

Quick Tips:

If natural remedies are not helping, you can go for eyebrow and eyelash serum. Clean your eyelashes every night as lotions and dirt clog the hair follicles. Remove all makeup before going to bed and comb to stimulate hair growth, Drink lots of water and Include vitamins B & D to improve hair growth.

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