Causes and Treatment of Dandruff.

Dry and white flakes of skin on the scalp is called dandruff. It is not harmful but itchy and embarrassing. It results due to seasonal changes, dry/oily scalp, medical reasons, or stress, check on with the doctor if it’s severe and stay for long. We have some recipes from the kitchen for this problem.

Home Remedies:

Neem Leaves: Neem has antibacterial and antifungal properties which prevent the growth of dandruff and relieves you from itchiness and redness on the scalp. Grind some neem leaves mix honey and apply on the scalp, leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash with normal water.

Boil a handful of neem leaves in water for 15-20 minutes. Keep it in a spray bottle and spray every time before washing your hair for a more hydrated scalp.

Yogurt: It has cooling and anti-inflammatory properties which help to prevent dandruff and a dry itchy scalp. Take half a cup of yogurt and mix it with papaya paste. Let it stay in your hair for 30 minutes and wash your hair like usual after that.

Coconut oil: This oil is packed with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties hence calming your itchy scalp and also nourishing the hair. Massage your scalp with a mixture of 3-5 tablespoons of coconut oil and lemon juice and let it sit for about an hour and shampoo normally after.

Fenugreek seeds (Methi): Loaded with proteins, fenugreek seed helps strengthen the hair and scalp and helps in hair regrowth. Soak 1 cup of seeds in water overnight, make a paste by grinding it, add an egg yolk, and mix well. Massage the scalp and wait for 30 minutes and then shampoo your hair.

Aloe Vera: This Gel has a cooling & soothing effect on the scalp, along with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which prevent dandruff and calm the itchiness. It nourishes the roots and softens the hair. Aloe Vera Gel is easily available in the market if you don’t have a plant at home.

Take a branch of aloe vera plant, cut it in half, and scoop out the gel. Apply it directly to your scalp and massage. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash off.

Apple Cider Vinegar: It acts as a disinfectant and kills the infection-causing microbes. It treats itchy scalp and dandruff and also balances the pH value of your hair.

Mix some apple cider vinegar in equal amounts of water, add drops of honey for extra hydration if you want. Spray before shower keeping it for 30 minutes at least and wash it off.

Mashed Banana: The fruit has natural antimicrobial properties that aid in clearing up dry scalps. Bananas are highly nourishing and moisturizing.

 Mash or blend a banana with a few teaspoons of olive or coconut oil. Apply in your scalp and hair, leave it for 15 minutes, and then shampoo.

Tea Tree Oil: Tea tree oil is antiseptic, antifungal, and antibiotic. It clears the blocked pores, treats fungus, and moisturizes the scalp.

 Mix a few drops of tea tree oil to any other oil like coconut oil or olive oil and massage into your scalp. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then shampoo.

Baking Soda: Mix 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda into a cup of lukewarm water. Mix well and apply it to your scalp. Massage and leave it on for a minute or two and then shampoo your hair. It scrubs and exfoliates the scalp relieving you from itchiness.

Drink ample water to stay hydrated, have sufficient and sound sleep, meditate or do yoga for stress, and most important watch your food to have a healthy scalp and hair.

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