Tips for Glowing & Healthy Skin

Healthy and glowing skin is something everyone yearns for. All of us want soft, smoother, and blemish-free glowing skin. But this seems impossible amidst our hectic schedules, irregular & unhealthy eating habits, inadequate sleep, and too much pollution. Here are some home remedies, free from chemicals to look after our skin and keep it healthy.

Home Remedies:

Turmeric is the best skincare ingredient present in our kitchen. Its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties enhance collagen and provide a golden glow.

Mix about half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a cup of gram flour (chickpea flour)and add enough milk/water to form a smooth paste. Now, add a few drops of rose water and mix it again. Apply it to the face (body) and rub it off like scrubbing when it starts drying, to exfoliate as well.

Honey has anti-bacterial properties and is a great moisturizer that keeps the skin well-hydrated. It reduces blemishes & acne and ensures spotless skin.
Apply & massage honey directly on your face and neck area but don’t forget to cleanse your skin before application. You can mix honey in any homemade face mask.

Olive oil is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. It helps in preventing skin early aging and sun damage. Olive oil provides moisturization and gives it a nice shiny glow.
Before going to bed, take a few drops of olive oil and apply them to your face and neck. Massage in an upward direction for about two to three minutes and then wipe all the excess oil.

Orange Juice: Oozing with Vitamin C, orange juice helps in controlling acne. It helps in fighting free radical activities and gives you a youthful glow.
Apply orange juice directly to your face with cotton balls or make a paste by grinding a few orange peels with rose water. Apply this paste all over your face and wash after 15 minutes.

Milk: The lactic acid in milk deep cleanses the pores therefore controls acne, and also prevents darkening of the skin. Dip cotton in raw milk and wipe your face before going to bed or before your beauty routine. Raw milk can be used in any mask to give you clear skin.

Besan: Gram flour is a natural exfoliator (scrub) for skin that helps in removing dead skin cells.
Besan is used by mixing it with water, milk, yogurt, rose water, or any other ingredients. It is applied like a pack (paste) on the skin. You can mix it with turmeric and some lime. You can also use it as a replacement to soap.

Cucumber and our skin have the same pH level so it helps to replenish the skin’s protective layer, hydrate, and promote glow.
Put slices of cucumber on your eyes to soothe and relax eye muscles and skin. Use cucumber juice in face masks.

Papain present in papaya is equally good for your liver and for your skin along with its skin-lightening properties.
Make a paste by grinding a peeled papaya and apply to your skin. Massage and wash off after 20 minutes after it starts to dry. Mix this paste with other ingredients like besan, honey turmeric, or tomatoes for better and glowy results.

Aloe Vera is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Aloe Vera keeps skin glowing and soft. It reduces inflammation, redness and prevents acne further aloe Vera cures sunburns and improves skin elasticity.
Gently scrape out the gel from the aloe vera leaves and apply it to your skin and hair too. It can be used as an ingredient in face masks.

Lemon is antifungal and antioxidant. It acts as natural bleach. Lemon boosts collagen production, reduces skin oil and hence prevents acne.
Please perform a patch test initially if you wish to apply only lemon to your skin. Otherwise, mix lemon juice with any other home-based mask ingredients and make a paste.

Yogurt contains lactic acid which helps in reducing wrinkles and fine lines by tightening and shrinking the pores. It aids de-tan and dark circles and is a very good moisturizer that softens the skin. Consuming yogurt is good for our skin and stomach. You can apply it directly on the skin using cotton, leave for 10 to 15 minutes, and then wash with cold water. Or use it in a face pack with other ingredients.

Oats are amazing exfoliators that also work as an anti-tanning agent and skin Lightner. Oats help in fighting off the pimples and reduce inflammation.
Take around 2 tablespoons of oats, 3 tablespoons of yogurt, half a lemon and make a paste. Apply this paste on your skin and leave for 10 to 15 minutes after that wash with cold water and pat dry.

Bananas are stacked with potassium, vitamin E & C, and B6 which are good for hair and skin. Banana promotes clear glowing skin.
Mash a banana, apply on your skin and leave for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water.
Make a facemask using 1 ripe banana, 1 tsp honey, and lemon juice.
Gently rub banana peels on your skin to treat dark circles, leave for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash with water.

Quick Tips:

Moisturising is really important after a facewash, almond oil and Coconut oil are excellent home-based moisturizers. Wear sunscreen before you go out, drink more water and eat to nourish your skin. Adopt yoga and meditation to stay stress-free as your skin reflects your mind. Always cleanse your face before going to bed and in case u have put on some makeup.

Masks are a great way to provide much-needed hydration because they penetrate deep within to draw out excess oils, clear away dead skin, and boost moisture.

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