Easy and Quick Herbal Remedies to Treat Constipation!

Having less frequent or difficult bowel movements happens due to changes in diet, lifestyle, stress, intake of some medicines.
Constipation results in fewer bowel movements, dry and hard stool, pain to pass, stomach ache or cramps, and bloated feeling. You might need a doctor in case it continues for days in the meanwhile try the below remedies and see if it helps.

Home Remedies

Home Remedies

Take lots and lots of water and other fluids to keep hydrated, keep the stool soft hence easy to pass. Try lemon water as it can flush out the toxins from your body and is good for digestion.

Add fibre-rich (insoluble fiber) food to your diet like fruits, salad, leafy vegetables as these prevent constipation. Dalia (porridge), prunes, fig, raisin, rhubarb, banana & apples are specifically best to cure constipation.

Engage in some physical exercises, walk, or some yoga asanas for the cure.

Avoid caffeine-containing drinks and alcohol, as these can cause dehydration. Though in some cases coffee stimulates the muscles in the gut.

Take Probiotic foods to avoid or get rid of constipation. Buttermilk and jaggery can be very useful in stimulating your gut.

Eat healthy fats (nuts, olive oil, avocados) as they are essential for the body. These fats lubricate the intestine and are a natural remedy for constipation.

Anjeer (Fig) soaked in water is also a quick reliever and well-known kitchen remedy, especially for kids.

Take one teaspoon of ghee in 1 hot cup of milk at bedtime to keep your motions regular.

Mulethi (Liquorice root) powder with warm water is the best herb for constipation.

Teas can be soothing for the pain and sometimes push the stool. Try and see which one suits you from the Chamomile, Licorice root, Dandelion root, Black or green tea, Peppermint, Ginger tea.

Baking soda reacts with stomach acids to stimulate a bowel movement. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with one cup of water and gulp it.

Never “hold in” your stool. Eat fewer high-fat foods, like meat, eggs, and cheese. Try an abdominal massage clockwise at least for 10 minutes every day.


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