Home-based cure for Head Ache (pain).

It’s a painful sensation anywhere in the head (sharp or dull) that mostly occurs with other symptoms. Normally the causes are lack of sleep, eyesight issues, stress, loud noise and tight headwear. Headache can be handled easily with home remedies and goes away within 2-3 days but sometimes there are many other reasons for a headache and some serious ones need to be consulted. Few covered under:
Sinus Headaches – it causes pain in the cheekbones, forehead, and tip of your nose. The symptoms are runny nose, fullness in the ears, fever, a swollen face, and yellow or green gunk that comes out of your nose.
Migraine Headaches – it’s a pounding and throbbing pain lasting from 4 hours to 3 days causing vomit, nausea, and intolerance to light, noise & smell.
Hemicrania Continua – is a chronic, ongoing headache almost always affects the same side of your face and head causing red & teary eyes, runny nose, droopy eyes, and pain in any physical activities.

Home Remedies:

Avoid Foods high in Histamines like aged cheeses, fermented food, beer, wine, smoked fish, and cured meats. Cut off Nitrates and Nitrites as these are food preservatives that triggers headaches.

Peppermint and lavender essential oils are especially helpful in headaches. You can breathe the scent or boil few drops of oil in water and inhale the vapours.

Soothe Pain with a cold or hot Compress to the neck and head area to reduce inflammation. Resting in a dark room may help. Avoid loud noise and any heavy physical activity.

Drink Tea or Coffee: While some people may be intolerant to tea and coffee, many other report relief after having caffeinated beverages. See if this remedy suits you.

Sip Some Ginger Tea: Ginger also helps tackle nasty symptoms like nausea that accompany migraines. Ginger tea has calming affects.

Remove any pressure on the head like tight ponytail or bun, heavy headgears or hats if any. Give your head some rest and make it feel light.

Add more magnesium to your diet through pumpkin seeds, mackerel, dried figs, and dark chocolates.

Drinking lots of water, limiting alcohol intake and adequate Sleep (at least 8 hours) can reduce headaches. Try yoga/exercise and massage pressure points. Divert your mind with music or meditation and try eliminating some food that is causing frequent headaches like cheese, alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits, and coffee sometimes. Try and avoid strong smells.

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