Home Remedies for Common Cold

Generally, a common cold is a viral infection of the throat and nose. Usually, not a severe illness but still makes you feel lethargic, sick, low in energy, and somebody ache.

Symptoms of common cold include a stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, congestion, itchiness and fever. It spreads easily by sneeze, cough & touch. You need to see a doctor in case of high fever or severe sickness. Most people recover on their own within two weeks.

Home Remedies:

Honey – Its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties help to sooth sore throat and wasily available in your kitchen. Take One\two spoons every now & then keeps the throat moist and reduces the itchiness. Also try honey in tea with lemon. Honey is not advisable for infants till 1 year.

Lemon – Adding fresh lemon juice to hot tea with honey may reduce phlegm when you’re sick. Drinking hot or cold lemonade also helps Throat. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C helps to boost immunity.

Chicken soup– Chicken soup is effective for reducing the symptoms of upper respiratory infections and soothes nose and throat. Rich in vegetables & chicken properties, it provides you with great nutritional value and helps keep you hydrated during cold.

Probiotics– Add these friendly bacteria, which keep your gut and immune system healthy, to your diet via yoghurt, cheese, natto, buttermilk, kafir etc.

Warm Saltwater gargles – Soothes the throat and eases the pain. Salt water gargles clears head and chest congestions.

Ginger – Best and easy home remedy for cold is Ginger. A few slices of ginger in boiling water can ease the sore throat.

Warm Baths – Releases all the body pain and soothes your respiratory path(Including babies). You can also add essential oils to your bath.

Keeping roasted ajwain potly (carom seeds bag) beside your head/pillow helps to ease breathing in kids. Try nasal saline drops for babies to clear their airways. Mother’s feed does the wonder for babies.

Magical Drink (Kadha): A homemade drink prepared by several herbs and spices, an ultimate home remedy for cold, cough, sore throat, and even fever. Take two glasses of water and add peppercorns, cloves, ginger, tulsi leaves, holy basil, cinnamon stick, and turmeric. Boil until water reduces to half, strain it, and sip it slowly. Add some honey for better taste.

Stay hydrated and take proper rest. Elevate your head while sleeping, breathe properly and keep saline nasal drops and lozenges handy. Adding garlic to your diet might reduce the severity of cold symptoms and boost immunity. Beetroot juice (nitrate-rich) zinc and vitamin C supplements keep your immunity high hence protecting you from cold and flu.

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