How to get rid of Foot odour ( Smelly Feet)

Also known as Bromhidrosis, is caused by bacteria that love moist or wet environments. So, every time your feet start to sweat, the bacteria grow and cause the odour. People with this problem are very hesitant in taking out their shoes in public as it can be very embarrassing. Generally, it is treated at home by taking care of a few things.

Home Based Remedies:

Take good care of foot hygiene, always wash your feet whenever you take off shoes/socks, and pat them dry.

Use a fresh pair of socks and change (rotate) shoes to let them dry out completely. Disinfect your shoes and socks.

Sprinkling some baking soda, corn starch, or talcum powder into your shoes & socks will soak up moisture and prevent the growth of bacteria. Show some sun to your shoes to get rid of the smell.

Go barefoot – Let your feet air out by spending some time in the open air.

Adding a few unused dry tea bags to your shoes will soak the moisture and unpleasant odours.

Spray antiperspirant deodorant on your feet. Our feet also have sweat glands just like the underarm, so deodorant is very helpful.

Soak your feet in a solution of 1 tsp baking soda to 1-liter water for almost 15 minutes every alternate day to help restore the pH balance of the feet and reduce bacteria and smell.

Mix lemon juice or vinegar (avoid if u have any cuts, sores, or scratches,) with water and soak your feet in it to target bacteria. Salt soak (Epsom salt) is also one of the remedies.

Spraying both shoes and socks with a disinfectant spray.

Exfoliate your feet once a week, keep your toes and nails clean and filed. Avoid plastic shoes as they are sweatier and stay wet for long. Choose airy footwear whenever possible. Don’t share your shoes and socks to avoid the spread of bacteria.

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