How to Stop SNORING !! Home Remedies

Snoring happens when air flows through your throat instead of your nose when you breathe in your sleep. It not only disturbs your sleep but also troubles and annoys the ones sleeping next to you. The shape of your mouth, the structure of your entire nasal cavity, enlarged tonsils could be the cause of your snoring. Try some home remedies and see they make any difference.

Kitchen Remedies:

Stay Hydrated: Dehydration leads to mucus forming in your nose which could make you snore. So, take ample Water and fluids.

Ginger and Honey tea: Ginger is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial and increases saliva secretion, which soothes the throat and provides relief from snoring. Honey alone soothes and opens the nasal pathway.

Try Peppermint Tea before bedtime and see if this ,akes any difference.

Garlic, Onions, and Horseradish: These hot and aromatic foods are said to reduce snoring by preventing drying of nose and throat and mucus build-up.

Get good Sleep: It can be done by increasing the amount of melatonin produced in the body. Pineapple, bananas, and oranges are high in melatonin and stop snoring.

Essential Oils: Snoring can be due to Improper Sleep. These oils help you to get restful/deep sleep and relax you. Try eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, Thyme Essential Oil. Sipping extra virgin olive oil before bed can smoothen up the airways and help you to sleep well.

Saline Nasal Spray: Homemade Nasal sprays reduce the inflammation inside the nose and stop snoring.

Examine your diet: Cut down on inflammatory food, avoid Dairy and gluten products. Avoid Bananas, potatoes, corn, and cabbage. Too much sugar is harmful too. For instant relief Use nasal strips or a nasal dilator.

Some more Tips:

Sleep on your side: Sleeping on your back blocks the airflow so turns sideways.

Raise the head of your bed: Raise your head from the bed by a few inches may help reduce snoring.

Avoid taking sedatives and alcohol before bed: Alcohol & Sedatives relax your muscles (throat muscles) which cause snoring.

Stop smoking: Smoking irritates the membranes of the throat and nose and hence causes snoring.

Maintain a moderate Weight: Excess weight around your neck and throat can cause snoring so weight loss can help.

Treat chronic allergies: Allergies can reduce airflow through your nose, forces you to breathe through your mouth, and snore.

A hot shower before going to bed: Taking a hot shower will moist the airways, open Nasal Passages, and help you breathe properly.

Clean Pillows and beddings: Dust mites accumulate in pillows and bedsheets can cause allergic reactions that result in snoring.

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