How to Treat Sore Throat at Home!!

Any pain or irritation in throat because of Viral or bacterial infections. Some irritants make the throat swollen which makes you feel dry, scratchy, and difficulty in swallowing. Though we have home remedies for common sore throat, see a doctor in case of prolonged problem and pain. Types of throat pain that are severe and need attention are:
Pharyngitis – affects the area right behind the mouth. Tonsillitis – swelling and redness of the tonsils, the soft tissue in the back of the mouth.
Laryngitis – swelling and redness of the voice box or larynx.

Home Remedies

Herbal tea: honey & lemon , raspberry, chamomile, peppermint tea and fenugreek tea ( easily available in our kitchen) are great choices for relieving pain and reducing inflammation in throat. The warmth soothes the throat.

Chew some raw Ginger, suck on a piece of hard candy, or a lozenge. The juice keeps the dryness away and relieves the irritation.

Sucking a clove of Garlic also helps a sore throat. It is best remedy to boost your immunity so add some in your diet.

Gargles – warm salt water gargle is a long lived home remedy for throat pain. Warm water anyway helps to soothe the throat.

Cool your throat with some ice-creams or juices. Some people are relieved by cold fluids rather than warm, see if this works for you. The purpose is to keep your throat moist.

Soup broth: warm chicken and vegetable soups relaxes the throat and provide nutrition. 

Apple cider vinegar: vinegar has a very pungent smell but its antimicrobial properties help to cure throat infections. Gargle with a mix of apple cider vinegar and water.

Essential oils: oils like nutmeg, bergamot, and cypress, all contain camphene, which has a cooling and refreshing effect in throat pain. Mix essential oils with carrier oils like olive or coconut oil and massage your throat.

Licorice Root: another remedy from the kitchen is licorice root. Boil some in water and gargle with the solution. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers avoid this remedy.

Rest your throat until it feels better. Mostly it takes 2 to 7 days. Throat lozenges, cough drops, a spoon of honey alone, and sipping turmeric tea or milk can give you some relief. Avoid Spicy food or sodas for some time and take a rest.

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