Natural Remedies for Tooth Ache!!

Any pain or inflammation in or around the tooth, often caused by tooth decay or infection. It can be due to biting into something hard, wisdom tooth, flossing, getting something stuck in the teeth or braces or can be a cavity.
It’s important to figure out the root of your discomfort for the right cure. If your symptoms persist for more than a day or two, consult your dentist. Here are some easy home remedies to ease the pain.

Home Remedies:

Salt water rinse: Salt water is a natural disinfectant, reduces inflammation and is a good mouthwash too.

Hydrogen peroxide rinse: Rinsing your mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide kills bacteria, hydrogen peroxide can reduce plaque and heal bleeding gums. mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with equal parts of water, and use it as a mouthwash. Don’t swallow it all.

Cold compress: use a cold compress to relieve any pain. The cold can also reduce any swelling and inflammation. Hold an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas, for example, against the outside of the cheek above the painful tooth for a few minutes at a time.

Peppermint tea bags: Used to numb pain and soothe sensitive gums. Use it warm or cold. Put a used tea bag in the freezer for a couple of minutes to chill it and then apply the bag to your tooth.

Garlic: Not only does it kills harmful bacteria that cause dental plaque, but it also acts as a pain reliever. Slowly chew a clove of fresh garlic.

Vanilla extract: Vanilla contains alcohol, which helps to numb the pain. Use a real one, dab a small amount of vanilla extract onto your finger or a cotton ball, and then apply it directly to the tooth a few times per day.

Clove: The oil can effectively numb pain and reduce inflammation. a natural antiseptic. make a mouthwash or chew 1 or 2 cloves slowly.

Guava leaves: can help heal wounds. Their antimicrobial properties can aid in oral care. Chew on fresh guava leaves or add crushed guava leaves to boiling water to make a mouthwash.

Wheatgrass: This herb has countless healing properties, like anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. It helps to fight bacteria therefore you can use wheatgrass as a mouthwash or consume it.

Thyme: dilute thyme essential oil with a carrier oil, and then apply it to the affected area to kill bacteria.

Aloe vera: massage the painful area of the mouth with the gel gently. It kills bacteria that lead to toothaches and relieves tooth pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Soak a cotton ball in some apple cider vinegar and press it lightly on the aching tooth.

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