Remedies to Normalise High Blood Pressure!!

High BP raises the risk of heart diseases and stroke. Another name for this is hypertension, also known as “Silent killer”. Normally the symptoms are severe headaches and vision problems. There are some natural home remedies to get it in place, but many lifestyle changes are required to keep it under control.
The normal blood pressure reading is less than 120/80 mm Hg.

Home Remedies

*Trick for quick relief is to lie down and take deep breaths. 

Walk & Exercise – Including walking and exercise in your daily routine will make your heart stronger and pump more blood lowering pressure on your arteries and also keeping a check on your health.

Check Salt Intake – High salt intake triggers blood pressure, though it depends on genetics that how people process sodium. It is advisable to cut it down, especially through processed & prepared foods, and see if it makes any difference.

Eat more potassium-rich foods. Include bananas, oranges, cantaloupe, honeydew, apricots, grapefruit, carrots, pomegranates, berries, kiwis, and melons in your food chart.

Some dried fruits like prunes, raisins, dates, watermelon seeds are also high in potassium. Add Cardamom, Flaxseed, Cinnamon to your diet as it as it is or in powder form.

Cooked spinach, cooked broccoli, boiled potatoes, beans, legumes, lentils, curry leaves, other green leafy veggies are very beneficial. Garlic also helps to control High Blood Pressure.

Take ginger juice with honey and cumin powder for High BP twice a day.

Indian gooseberry (Amla) is the best remedy to cure BP. Mix 1 tablespoon of fresh amla juice with an equal amount of honey and take this mixture daily in the morning before your breakfast.

Quick Healing – Mix one tbsp of onion juice and two tbsp of honey in a cup. Have this concoction every day.

Chew fresh coriander leaves on empty stomach to lower hypertension. It also helps in getting rid of access sodium from the body.

Olive leaf tea, Hibiscus tea, and Mangaba tea are said to be helpful in BP control.

Dark chocolate and cocoa powder contain plant compound which helps to relax high blood pressure.

Watch your intake of alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and refined carbs. Increase your water intake too.

It is best to quit smoking, try to manage your stress (a key factor behind high BP) through yoga, music, socializing, or meditation. Lose some weight if needed as it improves physical activities and hence your health.

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